Kat River Valley Preparatory School

A School Where Everybody Matters

Learning to Love to Learn

School Policies -
Kat River Valley Preparatory School


The aim of the code of conduct is to maintain a disciplined and purposeful school environment to facilitate effective education and learning. The school’s code of conduct is based on fostering a culture of mutual respect in an orderly, clean, and safe environment. The school rules are straight forward, and we expect both parents and children to be familiar with them.

This Code of Conduct serves as a general guide for the standards of dress and behaviour expected of Kat River Valley Preparatory School. Each learner is expected not only to conform to these standards, but also to assist staff in ensuring that all learners conform to them.
Learners are always expected to be loyal and uphold the honour of the school.

The Aim of this policy is to:

  • Create an environment of learning in which each learner can strive towards self-discipline so that he/she will become a responsible, accountable adult.
  • Regulate learner conduct.
  • Discipline the unruly learner and instil in him/her a sense of responsibility and accountability.
  • Eliminate negative characteristics in our learners and promote positive characteristics that speak of love, support, and respect.
  • Acknowledge the leaners’ right to be heard and defended.
  • Aid leaners who show serious deviations in their behaviour.

Rights & Responsibilities of Learners

Learners Rights

  • To learn and be taught in a safe school environment.
  • To approach all members of staff (including the Head of School) on any matter they wish to discuss.
  • To be free of victimisation by any other learner or member of staff.
  • To be free of discrimination based on race, religion, nationality, gender of economic status.
  • To receive regular feedback reflecting academic progress.
  • To make responsible use of all school facilities subject to availability and limitations imposed thereon by school rules.
  • To privacy
  • To attend school free of sexual harassment, bullying and intimidation.
  • To learn without being distracted by other learners.

Responsibility of Learners

With rights go responsibilities and we expect all learners to respond to their rights by undertaking:

  • To learn.
  • To attend all classes daily and on time.
  • To do all academic activities including homework.
  • To be in possession of all required stationery and working materials.
  • To be responsible for their own work.
  • To respect all persons property and the property of the school.
  • To refrain from abusive language and inflammatory actions.
  • To conduct themselves in a safe and respectable manner.
  • To promote the standard of cleanliness and neatness.
  • To refrain from and report any unauthorised removals of school property from the school premises.
  • To practice tolerance with one another.
  • To use good judgement and seek good advice from their parents and teachers.
  • Strive to do their best in the studies and to participate in class activities.
  • Being attentive in class and applying themselves to their work.
  • To be responsible in catching up any work missed because of absence.
  • Showing consideration for the feelings of others.
  • Not distracting other learners from tasks set for them.
  • Respecting the rights and property of other learners.
  • Respecting school property always.

The school will endeavour to contact parents whenever their child’s behaviour becomes cause for concern and will attempt, in the spirit of constructive partnership, to resolve the problem. The parents, however, remain ultimately responsible for ensuring that their children meet the disciplinary standards required by the school.

Responsibility of Educators with regards to Learners

Educators must ensure that they:

  • Report regularly for duty and are punctual.
  • Are well prepared daily to perform their educative task, both within the classroom and outside the classroom.
  • Respect all persons and property.
  • Refrain from abusive language or actions.
  • Conduct themselves in a responsible and professional manner.
  • Conform to normal, acceptable standards of personal cleanliness and neatness.
  • Abide by the rules, regulations and procedures set out by the school and the Department of Education.
  • Adhere to the Code of Conduct set out by the South African Council for Educators (SACE).
  • Maintain good classroom management and maintain an atmosphere which promotes good behaviour and effective learning and teaching.
  • Plan a flexible work programme that will address the different needs, interest, and the ability of the learners.
  • Promote open and regular channels of communication between home and school and encourage parental participation in the affairs of the school.

The Code of Conduct is in force:

  • On the property prior to, during and following regular school hours.
  • At all official events, both within and outside the regular school hours, where such events are held under the auspices of the school management structures.
  • At all official school events which are held off the school property.
  • At all times when a learner is dressed in the school uniform and is recognisable as such both on the school property or in the public eye outside of the school.


The School Rules are intended to establish a disciplined and purposeful environment to facilitate effective teaching and learning at the school. NOTHING shall exempt the learner from complying with school rules. Ignorance of School Rules is, therefore, not an acceptable excuse. To this end, the school rules are available to every pupil.

General Principles

  • Learners are always expected to behave in a courteous & considerate manner towards each other, all members of staff and visitors to the school.
  • Learners are expected to abide by school rules with regards to appearance and behaviour when representing the school during school hours and after school hours, at school and away from school.
  • No learner has the right to behave in a manner that will disrupt the learning activity of other learners, or will cause another learner physical or emotional harm,
  • The school will contact the parents/guardians when a learner’s behaviour becomes a cause of concern.

School & Class Attendance

Parents/Guardians, learners, educators, and Head of School are responsible for ensuring that all learners attend school.

  • If a learner does not attend school regularly, the relevant class teacher will report the absence of the learner to the Head of School. The class teacher must keep an accurate register of learner attendance and find out from parents why the child is not at school.
  • All learners are to arrive at school no later than 7.30 am.
  • Absence from a class, without permission of the relevant class teacher is prohibited.
  • Any absence from school must be covered by an absent note from a parent/guardian.
  • Should a learner be absent from school 3 days or longer, this leave of absence must be support by a letter from a medical doctor.

School Uniform

  • Learners must wear the official school uniform and always appear neat and tidy.
  • No additions to the uniform that are not in accordance with the regulations will be allowed.
  • Only sports uniform may be worn for sport.

General School Rules

  • Learners will always be correctly dressed in the official school and sports uniform.
  • Learners must never do anything to jeopardise the good name of the school by work or deed.
  • Rough play games are not permitted on the school playground.
  • Learners must keep to designated play areas during breaks.
  • Learners must treat the toilet facilities with respect.
  • Learners must not litter.
  • Learners must greet visitors, adults, teachers on the school premises.
  • Learners must attend Detention on a Friday, if so required.
  • Classrooms are out of bounds unless the class teacher is present.
  • Girls may not wear jewellery, nail varnish or makeup.
  • Boys are not permitted to wear earrings or any other jewellery.
  • Pupils may not gather in the parking arears where cars enter.
  • When learners change for sport, their clothes must be packed into their tog bags.
  • No cell phones, iPod, radios, or anything of big value may be brought to school.
  • Learners may not accept lifts from strangers.
  • All sports are compulsory.
  • Learners travelling away to sports fixtures, must travel in the correct sports uniform.

Disciplinary System:  Merits and De-Merits (Grade 4-7)

Our disciplinary procedures aim to be fair, just and corrective, consistent and educative. Where necessary a parent will be informed and involved in the correction of the learner’s behaviour. Every Teacher is responsible for discipline and has the full authority and responsibility to correct the behaviour of learners whenever such correction is necessary.

All learners will abide by the school’s discipline system that has been developed to assist and guide learner behaviour in the school.


Merits are awarded to learners who fulfil any of the following criteria:

  • Display exceptional discipline and good behaviour in class all week.
  • All homework and assignments done and handed in on time with a particular teacher.
  • Good achievement in cycle tests for subjects.
  • Being helpful, kind, and considerate with a display of pride in the school
  • Continuous good co-operation.
  • Neat and well-presented work.
  • Continuous high achievement.
  • Polite behaviour, good manners.
  • Honest deed (e.g., Money handed in)
  • Often helps clean the classroom.
  • Pick up litter.
  • Kindness, compassion
  • Outstanding Test results.
  • Tests or reply slips signed by parents and brought back the next day.
  • Honesty
  • Outstanding preparation for a task.
  • Contributed to fundraising.
  • Outstanding projects.
  • Outstanding Orals.
  • Being Helpful.
  • Excellent written work.
  • Improvement in marks.
  • Good Sportsmanship


All offences will be dealt with by the Teacher using the De-Merit card (red). When a learner breaks any rule or commits an offence such learner must also accept the consequence for his/her misbehaviour. After receiving 5 de-merits on one card the learner will have detention on a Friday after school.

De-Merit Offences include the following:

  • Late for class.
  • Breaking of classroom rules.
  • Chewing gum in class
  • Eating in class.
  • Disrupting teaching and learning
    o Continuously talking in class
    o Playing instead of working.
    o Passing around notes in class.
    o Throwing items in class.
    o Shouting in class
    o Making disruptive noises
    o Annoying other learners
    o Argumentative/obstinate/unrepentant/disrespectful behaviour
  • Not prepared for presentation of oral work.
  • Textbooks left at home.
  • Workbooks left at home.
  • Books not handed in on time.
  • Worksheets not pasted in.
  • No items at school for specific lessons.
  • Does not have the required stationery.
  • Damaging property.
  • Hiding other peoples or own property.
  • Found in an “out of bounds” area.
  • Infringing of Playground Rules.
  • Absence from sports or extra mural activities without a valid reason.
  • Playing dangerous games or endangering others through boisterous behaviour.
  • Unexplained absence from school/neglecting to bring an absentee letter upon return to school.
  • Not catching up missed work while away from school.
  • Verbal or physical bullying, mocking, or teasing.
  • Loitering between classes or after school or in bathrooms.
  • Homework is not written down.
  • Did not complete homework.
  • Did not have homework diary signed.
  • Homework is left at home, hidden, or cannot be found.
  • Homework diary left at home.
  • Test papers not signed by parents.
  • Homework assignments not handed in by the due date.
  • Sports clothes not at school.
  • Not wearing the correct school uniform or sports uniform.
  • Reply slips not returned on time.
  • Breaking school rules
  • Any behaviour deemed by the Teacher to be an interruption of teaching and learning.
  • Cell phone violation.
  • Obscenity (gesture/writing/drawing)
  • Failing to attend Detention.
  • Failing to carry out a verbal instruction.
  • Poor sportsmanship while representing the school.
  • Forging a signature in homework book, Formal Assessment, Cycle Test.
  • Lying, dishonesty, theft.
  • Writing on another learner’s property.
  • Damaging school property.
  • Seriously disrupts teaching in class.
  • Cheating in tests/formal assessments.
  • Any other behaviour deemed by the Teacher to be a serious interruption of teaching and learning.
  • Non-compliance with safety requirements laid out by the school.
  • Theft


The Pledge for the Learners:

Everyone who forms part of the Kat River Valley Preparatory School Family is expected to work towards making our school a positive and happy place. This can only be achieved by creating an environment of co-operation, caring and commitment to our school and to one another – to those in authority over us, to our peers and to those who are junior to us.

This is our pledge:

We the learners of Kat River Valley Preparatory School, promise to abide by the following pledge in our attempt to make our school a happy, safe, well-disciplined place in which meaningful, qualitative education can take place, where self-discipline is promoted and where each learner will have unlimited opportunity to achieve excellence.

  1. We undertake to respect the rights of the individual as guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. We also undertake to exercise our rights in such a way that our actions do not disadvantage other in any way.
  2. We will respect and support the Governing Body, Head of School, and staff of our school.
  3. We will respect our Teachers. We promise them wholehearted co-operation in all reasonable instructions that we may receive from them. We respect them as adults and acknowledge that their training and experience will be beneficial to us.
  4. The contribution of the Administrative and Ground Staff to the smooth running of the school is highly valued by us and we undertake to treat these members of staff with respect and courtesy.
  5. We will treat visitors to our school with respect and courtesy and offer polite assistance when needed.
  6. We acknowledge the uniqueness of our multi-cultural school structure. We accept our peers as unique individuals with educational goals and ideals similar to ourselves. We respect the uniqueness of each person in the school and will not act or behave in any way that will infringe on their rights and dignity.
  7. We will respect the environment and accept our collective responsibility for the conservation thereof.
  8. We will respect the facilities of our school and undertake to look after the school buildings, the contents of the classrooms and all the facilities that are available for our use. We undertake to do this in a responsible way to be able to pass it all on in good order to the next generation of pupils.
  9. We understand that a school cannot function without school rules.
  10. We accept the authority of the Teachers in charge of order and discipline in our school and accept that any infringement of the rules may lead to disciplinary action.
  11. We understand that school rues apply to all activities that may take place away from the school. We will uphold our good name while on trips and excursions by always abiding by our school rules.
  12. We understand the value of participation in sport and other extra mural activities. We promise to be always loyal and enthusiastic supporters of our school.
  13. We will dress according to the clothing regulations of our school and wear our uniform with pride. We know that wearing of our uniform gives us a unique identity.
  14. We respect the school badge and motto: “Learning to Love to Learn” and “A School where Everybody Matters”.
  15. We undertake to conduct ourselves in a manner that will not jeopardise the safety of ourselves or others whether this is in the classroom, on the playing fields and school grounds.
  16. We undertake to become positively involved in the classroom and in class activities. We will do our best to ensure that effective, quality learning can take place. We will protect vigorously against any negative behaviour that could obstruct our right to a good and decent education.
  17. We undertake to prepare ourselves diligently for any assessments, tasks, or examinations.
  18. We undertake to be one hundred percent honest in all our dealings at school, no matter what the situation. We will not tolerate dishonesty in any form and will make every effort to eradicate it from our school.
  19. We will respect the role of our parents as primary educators. We will try our best to conduct ourselves in a manner that will make them proud of us.


At Kat River Valley Preparatory School, we aim to establish a community in which everybody
feels valued and safe. Every learner has a right to enjoy their time at school.

The community at Kat River Valley Preparatory does not tolerate bullying or harassment.
Respect for others is expected.

Kat Valley Prep aims to:

• Promote an atmosphere and ethos at the school of warm loving and caring concern.
• Promote in each child respect and empathy for others and the environment.

Our School:

• Always expects a high standard of behaviour.
• Aims to provide a safe and caring environment for everyone.
• Has a policy for detecting, preventing, and dealing with bullying.
• Offer support to all students through their class teachers.



We all have a right: 

To be Different
To feel Safe
To learn
To be respected

We have a responsibility:

To show compassion & understanding
To respect yourself
To respect others
To use common sense



Bullying is any repeated behaviour intended to hurt, injure, threaten, make fun of, or
frighten another person in such a way that the person feels that he cannot do
anything about it.


Bullying comes in many forms, including:

  • Calling hurtful names
  • Being picked on
  • Deliberately punching, hitting, bumping
  • Teasing
  • Spreading rumours about someone
  • Mocking
  • Repeatedly “putting down” someone
  • Threatening someone
  • Deliberately ignoring and avoiding
  • Taking or damaging property


  1. Tell the bully to stop. State clearly that their behaviour is unwelcome and you
    do not like it.
  2. Walk away and stay away from the bully.
  3. Seek help. Talk about it to someone you trust. Report is to a member of


  1. Care enough to do something about it, whether it affects you personally or
  2. Early intervention can defuse a situation before it gets out of hand.
  3. Report it to a member of staff or your parents.


The school will use this approach when dealing with cases of bullying:

  1. Interview the victim and suggest strategies
  2. Call a meeting with the parties involved
  3. Explore the problem without blaming anyone
  4. Share responsibility
  5. Identify solutions
  6. Let the pupils take action themselves
  7. Follow up at a later stage

It should be noted that if the bully continues with this type of bullying behaviour, more
stringent sanctions will be imposed, and counselling will be suggested.


Each child needs to:

  • Respect himself and others
  • Work to create a pleasant school environment for all
  • Learn to tolerate individual differences
  • Support the School Policy on Bullying.

The school will do the following:

  1. The Daily Check-In Programme
    Teachers integrate a daily check in programme where learners will share their feelings in the group. Through sharing their feelings, children can develop strategies on working with their emotions.
  2. Life Skills Lessons
    During these lessons we explore feelings and how to deal with them and we look at how to combat bullying and conflict in the school setting.


  • Listen to your child
  • Suggest certain strategies
  • Inform the School
  • Let the school investigate and report back
  • Allow the school to sort it out
  • Support your child


  • Taking an interest in your child’s social life Encourage your child to bring friends home
  • Build your child’s self esteem
  • Discuss ways to respond if rights infringed
  • Act by informing the school
  • Keep confidentiality
  • Set an example


  • Teach your child to identify what he is feeling
  • Show him how to contain the feeling
  • Give socially acceptable ways to deal with emotions